Saturday, August 30, 2014

Progressing Into Degree.

And sooo, it's been a week since I've started my BPsych degree life. What I can conclude from my first week experience is that the next three years aint gonna be easy, as it will be a road full of challenges, only to be finished with my sweat, blood, tears and not forgetting all hardwork and determination.

Monday was orientation day, and because I had friends whom I know from Foundation entering into the same intake as I do, I do not have that much phobia of orientation day compared to last year when I had Foundation's one. I am much of a shy person when it comes to approaching strangers, not afraid to admit that. I have no idea how I actually make friends during my high school days, and not a single idea on how I could mingle and got so close with my high-school bunch. People or friends had told me that I looked strict/smart/lansi/fierce when they first saw me, and when they got to know me more, they realized that they were totally wrong, for I can be as crazy as possible when I clicked on the right channel with the right person. It takes time, time, time. #mukatakcukuptebal

Tuesday we had our first class officially, which is Leadership and Life Skills (MPU sub). Personally I think that this sub is quite similar to Study Skills sub I used to had during my sem 1 in Foundation. Not much exposure was given yet from the lecturer, still have to find out more bout this sub. Introduction to Psych was okayy, most of the stuffs were exposed before when we took Psych elective in Foundation. TITAS was bout sejarah, and Psych of Personal and Academic Development is going to be quite challenging this sem, quite a heavy sub as told by the lecturer.

What's amazing about Sem 1 BPsych is that I only have three days of classes in one week, which means I have more holidays than study days. LOL Most of the days I only have to attend one lecture for 3 hours and Voila, that's it. How awesomeeee

So far I kinda like all the lecturers that I have for this sem, as we share the same passion for Psychology, which is great of course. And no, Psychology are not psychics, WE DON'T READ PEOPLE's MIND. So far I am still keeping my options open on which specific field in psych to enter to, as I wanted to explore all different fields before I really sit down and decide on which I will specify in and live with it for the rest of my life. So far I'm into Clinical Psych or Organizational Psych, but I believe in the next three years as I study, I would have a clearer goal and who knows, I might be a Forensic Psychologist hahaha. Keeping options open promise unlimited possibilities.

Challenge accepted for the next three years in BPsych. Cheers!


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