Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Yes, I am finally on my sembreak officially!
And yes, I just came back from a short getaway at Ipoh with my uni friends. I was pretty much exhausted, but it was a memorable one. With the good authentic local food in my tummy, I am more than delighted.

Today is gonna be another random opinion-expression session from me, it’s probably gonna be abit tad long. Sorry if I bore you readers :O

Recently I’ve been reading this one motivational book from a Taiwan author. He’s a pretty good author I would say, because of his way of expressing and writing its really short, simple and straight to the point.
And upon reading one of the chapters in this book I borrowed from the National Library, I had to agree with one of the main points he was trying to address to people out there nowadays.

People are too used to say these two things
I have no time to do it
I don’t know how to do it
These two phrases pretty much annoy me at times. It sounds like as though you are finding excuses to not do something that you’re supposed to do, or you are trying to be ignorant and not taking the initiative to seek answers on your own.

Let’s start with the first phrase up there
I have no time to do it
I have always believed in good time management, like you are the master of your whole life, your routine, and your time. If you really want to do something, you will always squeeze some time even though you are really busy to do it. For example, you feel hungry in the midst of doing something, so no matter how busy you are, you will still manage to get some crackers or something to fill your tummy for the time being. This particular phrase, to me is a phrase that you should avoid saying for the rest of your life. I’m not sure about others, but to me, if someone said this to me, I’ll give them major eye rolls (virtual way lol). It’s either you have really bad time management, or you are just trying to brush things off to avoid having to bear the responsibility. If I can find time to do it, why can’t you do the same? It’s your attitude whether you really want to do it or not.

Moving on to the second phrase
I do not know how to do it
Now this is a bit tricky to explain because when someone approach me and tell me that they have no idea how to do it even though they’ve tried searching for solutions themselves, then it’s no biggies to me. I am more than willing to help out because these people took initiative to seek for solutions; they have put in effort to do something. It’s just that maybe they are abit off track in looking for answers, but still their effort is demonstrated. However what I am trying to say here is those who did not even bother to try and just tell you that “I dunno how to do”. I have major big eye rolls towards this all the time.
Yes there is something called Google, and I have always Google stuffs to search for things I wanna know. For example how to take the public transport from A to B, or how to cook something and etc. You can really get all the answers you want from Google used wisely, not that I am trying to promote Google or whatsoever, what I am trying to say is that, telling someone that you do not know how to do something is pretty much ridiculous. Because the answers are all out there, it’s just you left and whether you wanna be proactive and look out for them, or you sit back there relaxed and wait for others to spoon feed you by just telling them “I don’t know how to do it”. However there are still answers that couldn’t be retrieved via Google, and that is totally fine. On occasions like Lit Review I really couldn’t get the answers that I really wanted even though I’ve tried Googling countless times so…….

The two phrases might sound extremely familiar to you, you might say it yourself, or you might find people around you saying these. I do realize I say the second phrase at times where I am extremely lost on something, and it’s something you need to start reflecting and refrain yourself from saying so in the future for the reasons:

1. You find excuses for yourself to not do something so you feel good about it, but in fact it is not helping you to grow anywhere sense.

2. It’s really demotivating for you yourself and others upon hearing that. It is not going to take you anywhere but going backwards of your life. You keep telling yourself that you can’t do it, and so you stopped trying to look for solutions, which further leads to you really can’t accomplish it. Which is also a term called self-fulfulling prophecy. You are convinced that you are trapped because you set up boundaries for yourself which is unbreakable unless you wreck it down yourself with the correct actions and thoughts.
And as for others, you will be affecting other’s spirit of doing things when you are in a team because you demonstrated no effort in doing things. And this is highly poisonous to the whole team because people influence each others easily without even noticing.

There goes my thought of the day. And I realize I should get practicing my guitar now. Guitar exam is really near now. GTG

Signing off,


Monday, December 1, 2014

Some Confessions of being a Psych Major

My Y1S1 is really coming to an end, on this coming Thursday. That is when I will be sitting for my last paper of the semester. And I’m done with the very first semester of my degree.

You know, I was like “Wtf, there goes my first semester.” In a blink of an eye, it just ended like that. And then I realized that I really need to enjoy my remaining semesters, join more activities so that I don’t end up graduating with nothing to talk about on my Uni life. Even though I’ve involved myself in certain activities this sem, somehow I felt like I haven’t full stretched my abilities to the fullest. More committee work hunting should be done I guess.

I am indeed really busy for the past few weeks, and upon handling my very last assignment for the semester on 24/10/14, I felt immediate relieve. Now, just fingers cross that I will pass the assignment so I don’t have to retake it next semester. Last week was the most stressful week, with that assignment accompanied by two heavy reading load subjects’ finals. And now I’m procrastinating from revising for my last paper that is going to be on this Thurs, but I think this procrastination is worth it lololol.

Recently I came across one pic on FB.  And it was something like
 “Being a psychology major, you find yourself very hard to be angry at someone, because you know the causes behind their behaviors” 
Not the exact quote, but from what I remember it’s something like that. And I felt into deep thought. Yes, indeed. Psychology is about studying mental processes and human behaviors. And for every single human behavior, there has to be a cause to why they had chosen to react in such a way. And what makes psych different from other majors is that, we know the reason why. And we couldn’t really blame the person from behaving in such a way because it is what their growing up environment, parenting they received, and influence from their peers etc. that has molded them in such a way. We have to accept individual differences, because no one will have the exact same thinking as you, nor you will find someone who will behave the same as you.

And I do find myself using this to rationalize my angry thoughts at time. For example, when a kid comes to you and says that you’re fat and ugly. As a psych major, the first thing that crosses my mind is, “poor child, what an environment they are growing up from.” Instead of focusing to be angry on the child, you think of what could have cause the child to behave in such a way. And you forgive for what they have done. And btw, the example given is not a real life event thou, it’s really an example.

I guess this is the good and the bad of being a psych major? Hahaha on one side you understand the reason why to a certain behavior portrayed by another person, which makes the society generalizes us to be “Psychics a.k.a Mind Reader”, just because they haven’t thought of one level deeper. Probably it’s because they are not exposed to such knowledge yet so I don’t really blame society for having such stigma about Psychology graduates. On the bad side, your angry rights are to be cut down to perhaps zero level? Because you couldn’t really find a reason to be angry, you automatically rationalize them with the analyses of their behavior.

However there’s one thing that I still couldn’t find myself adapting into even though I’m a Psych major. I tend to be oversensitive on other’s body language when they are talking to me. Because I know what are the possible body language others will portray when they are interested in engaging in the conversation with you. Or what is the possible body language that signals that they are not interested in talking with you. 

At times when I’ve spotted body language of others signaling that they don’t really wanna talk to me, they just talk to me for the sake of talking, I take it personally at times. I’ve been self-reflecting on myself thou because of this, does this happens because I am an A-hole to others? Or simply they prefer talking to someone who is more interesting? Probably I should consider closing my eyes when I am in a convo so I don’t have to observe anything lololol. Or probably the knowledge that I have gotten from all the books on body-language is misleading and only applies for a small fraction of people in the society?

Still, you know what. Screw it lol. I couldn’t get everyone to like me and engage in a convo that they are not willing to, and that’s a fact. And soon I have come to this realization that “it’s okay, cause I know who are the ones who really wanna talk to me because they want to, and those for an insincere convo.” Which makes me treasure the sincere ones, and focus on building more in-depth friendship with them.  People come and go in your life, factdat ;)

How wonderful would it be if I am able to produce the same amount of words that I’ve typed on this blogpost within 20 minutes for my assignments.
Hmm, enough food for thought I guess? Gotta start fighting for the final paper again. ciauzzzzz


P/s. Its finally December! *throw confettis* 

Sunday, November 9, 2014

No-Vem-Burrrrrr Updates.

Stepping into the second last month of the year, signifies that I’m gonna be another year older soon! Just in another three weeks (if I haven’t lost count), it would be finals for Y1S1. And then it will be time for me to make further adjustments and changes to my life. Actually age doesn't really matter to me, its just that the thought of the responsibility that you will have to carry increases as you age, and you have to constantly adjust yourself mentally and physically for it. Sometimes its horrible to think of, but reality check, yes you will still have to face it.

Yes, life has been hectic as usual with the non-stop assignments deadline and test. But seeing my checklist of assignments cleared off one by one, I felt an indescribable happiness in me. Its like having to see all your hard work sent off to lecturers or tutors, and waiting for them to be marked and receiving the results, the whole process is an enjoyable one, despite the stress you will have to undergo during each phase of doing, submitting and receiving the assignment.

Recently I am very pumped up to deal with all the challenges that was thrown to me, probably its the intrinsic motivation in me. Having to strive for my best in everything is what I've based on whenever I have to accomplish something. To me, having to know that I've already performed my best its the best thing that I could ever wish for. It doesn't matter if I appeared to be the lowest-scorer in class or the highest-scorer in class. As long I know I did my best, I am the most happy girl on earth. Cause I know how far can I go, what are my abilities and capabilities like, and therefore usually I have my own-standard of doing stuffs. And probably this is the main reason why I always stressed myself out during the process hmmmmm something to work on more I guess

Looking back what I've did for the whole year, I guess this is one of the most critical period of my life, where I was exposed to so many different things in just a short period of one year. I'm gonna make a list down to remind myself that this is where I experienced stuffs the most, and the most roller-coaster fun I've ever got so far.

  1. I was finishing my sem3 for Foundation smoothly. And I finally graduated from the program in April.
  2. I decided to take a small gap of five months before I start my degree. One of the main reason was because I wanted to wait for all my friends who had to extend their semester to start together. And I could give myself a break at least.
  3. I went for different job interviews because I was too sick of having to do nothing in the house except for watching HK dramas.
  4. I went around factories in Rawang asking if they want to hire clerk. I was rejected by all. Because they wanted a long term staff.
  5. I actually even applied for the vacancy as a store-clerk, even though I have no idea that what is the job scope. I did a great job at having the interviewer to LOL at me.
  6. Eventually I went to F.O.S to work, although I felt abit cheated by the supervisor for the schedule, I still continued anyway. And there I get to know new friends and to serve customers. I actually do feel good serving them. I stopped one month afterwards coz it was too waste of time. I would actually continue working if they allow me to read books when there's no customers around.
  7. I had my first roadshow promoter experience with Nippon, and I was treated so well by the staffs at Sin Lian Hup
  8. And I had my trip to Italy to visit my host family and my best friends over there! It was a holy-great experience as I was alone the whole flight and also most of the time. I learnt to be even more independent than ever before. Enjoying getting sunburn and strolling alone at the streets in Messina!
  9. I had my first ever overseas trip with the botji one. We were supposed to go together but due to her final exam, we had to make adjustments. Two 19 year olds roaming around in the very city centre of Roma!
  10. I had loads of gathering with my high school bunch before they start their courses at IPTA. I have no regrets.
  11. I started my degree in Psychology in the very last week of August, and now here I am. And I enjoyed so much learning stuffs related to Psych (hinting bout MQA subs lol)
I did not regret at all for having the gap of five months. It was a really enriching period and I have learnt so much during that phase. And I'm so glad that I've decided to have this gap. Coz previously I was extremely indecisive if I were to waste my five months just like that. Its abit tough to get myself back to studies and assingments in the beginning of the semester, and now that I've got the hang of it, its not even a problem anymore.

One month plus more to the big day!

Okay I realized I just crapped too much. Im gonna head to nap coz I iz physically strained from the hiking at FRIM this morning. Ciauuzzzzz


Monday, October 27, 2014



其实这几个星期来都过得非常忙碌,几乎没有空在那哈拉。刚忙完要due的assignment, 还要再忙下一个assignment, presentation, 等等。 的确忙碌,不过觉得过得很充实,对现在这个状态很满意。



My Camouflage.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Different Types of People Who "Watch" Horror Movie In the Cinema

Today I decided to bring my horror-movie-watching-level to a whole new level – To watch Annabelle alone. I was pretty excited about it, having high expectations on the movie to find out the origin of the doll, to see what the director would use to surprise us this time. I bought the ticket, and my heart was pumping with excitement. Till I walked into the cinema, I realized that I needed to write this post. To remind people of their courtesy in the cinema. And so, I came up with the “Different Types of People Who Watch Horror Movie In The Cinema”, or any general movies. *inconsiderate people*

1. The Cuckoo Bird

If you watch with a group of friends I believe there will always be one person in the group who wouldn’t stop talking from the start till the end of the horror movie. P.s talking about irrelevant things. I believe this is done so because the person is just too afraid of what’s gonna happen next. In order to cover up of how horrified he is, so he decided to distract others from watching it by talking non-stop about his dilemmas, his family, his pet, his bed…… Till he forgot that he is actually in a cinema, not a coffee shop.

2. The Chair-Kicker

I experienced this just now while I was watching Annabelle, and I don’t know if it’s the unknowing moment when my chair will be kicked that scared me, or the horror movie itself. For every horror scene in the movie, this one particular person will get too scared or excited till he had to tell the whole row in front of him of how he is feeling. I try to persuade myself that he is preparing to be in a fight-or-flight mode, a situation where your body prepares and has adrenaline rush when faced with a threat, maybe he is too into the movie and he wants to flee at the moment he saw horror scenes. Or maybe not. No people like to be kicked throughout the whole movie, so please, be considerate of those who are sitting in front of you. Or choose to sit the most front row, so you can kick how hard you want. I’m pretty sure you wouldn't like it if the person behind you kicks your chair for 2 hours.

3. The Commenter

This one is the one who always has to tell his friends of how fake is the ghost, how unreal it seems, how illogical to happen such things, how he would have design the movie and etc. etc. etc. Actually if you don’t like how the story goes, you may just leave the cinema and get your mind clear of the movie. The others are trying so hard to pay attention and to prepare themselves mentally and psychologically to what is going to happen next in the movie, and imagine someone telling you walaoeh so fake one this ghost ”. I would have slapped him so hard.

4. The if-never-get-clear-explanation-never-give-up

This one hmmm. Is the one who never understands the story line. Who has to bug his friend all the time to get a logical explanation to why something has happened. E.g: “Why this demon wants to have her soul ah?” “ Why the lift cannot work ah? ” “ Why she suddenly got demonic signs on her hand ah? ” One logic explanation from me to that would be, this person never actually paid attention to the movie, nor had he observed the tiny details.

5. The Joker

HAHAHAHAHHHA I tell you this one damn funny la. *sarcastic look* This guy would laugh at every horror scene, just to get his almost-pumping-dry-his-blood-out-heart to slow down. In fact, he is the one who was traumatized the most by the movie, so he brushes it off by laughing, so that people would not suspect that he almost fainted at that point. He had to laugh so hard till all the ones in the cinema would give him a medal of how courageous he is to sit through the horror movie by laughing how ridiculous it is.

6. The Screamer

I believe from the title it is obvious to direct to those who scream even on blank screen. This happened just now when the cinema just started dimming the lights and one girl had to yell her lungs off because she thought she was acting in the horror movie. Or rather in another case, I overheard someone telling  their friends to scream together, so that they know they are not the only ones who are scared. They have their buddies to scream with them as well. This is purely annoying.

7. The Curser

Probably you would have heard people cursing FUXX throughout the whole movie. One way of expressing his current emotions, to tell his friends how horrified he is.

8. The Ghost

This is another people who couldn't stand his friends watching the horror movie peacefully and so he decided to scare their souls out. A sudden “ BOOO” or a sudden slap on the hand to his friend and his friend would starting screaming, distracting whoever is watching the movie.

And I had all the 8 types of people in one cinema just now. It’s pathetic to see how people are being so inconsiderate and ignorant of others, only focusing on themselves. I believe in a cinema, there should be pin-dropped silence from the audience, focusing well on the movie instead of behaving at such that would annoy others. In particular, horror movie that I am mentioning. I understand if one might be shocked at some scenes, but there is no need to make such a big fuss about it. If one can’t take it, one may just leave. I believe you know yourself well enough to know if you can sit through a horror movie for 2 hours. Talking, discussing and sharing thoughts about the movie could be done immediately the moment you are out of the cinema, and definitely not when is movie is still going on.

And as for Annabelle, I would have rated it 3/5. No spoilers.

Monday, September 29, 2014


Was thinking to do this since the #20facts about me had gone viral on instagram. I guess this clears off alot of doubt on me?

1. I dislike being asked to wake up, I prefer waking up myself, switch off the aircond, and curl in my bed till the room gets warmer.

2. I usually have oat+milo for my breakfast and I don't really feel hungry till lunch.

3. My hair stay perfectly fine when I'm in the house, and when I need to go out, its terribly horribly a disaster.

4. I sweat easily. That explains the reason why I always have tissues with me all the time.

5. I am only open to people when I get comfortable with them. If I make a dirty joke remark, then you know that you are there.

6. I prefer staying at home and read rather than going to discos and get myself drunk, not a fan of alcohol and loud music.

7. Extremely indecisive which is bad coz I don't like making decisions. However if I were to make a decision, I won't look back and regret.

8. Prefer not eating spicy stuffs coz I will end up getting myself sweating all over and a numb tongue. I prefer enjoying my food in peace with my taste buds. However I do have a thing for asam and tomyam.

9. I prefer my right side face more than my left side. Unsymmetrical face problem #1 I do love my features alot. I got the best from my parents! ;)

10. If I wanna do something, I give them my best shot.

11. I don't like taking public transport cause I think the time spent on waiting for the thing to arrive is too long.

12. I have not too much of a patience, but I try to calm and cool myself down. Constant reminder to myself.

13. I get gancheong very easily. (Relating back to #12), and when I am, I sweat again. I have to finish things before the deadline or else I get very frustrated.

14. I like looking at handsome eye-striking foreigners, but I still prefer Asians to be my partner.

15. My palm gets sweaty most of the time, excessive sweat glands I guess? That's why I am scared of having to shake hands or high five coz I'm worried that people might felt disgusted.

16. I would give up my finals just to see Jason Mraz's in Malaysia.

17. I am no foreigner, even though I syok sendiri everytime someone asked me that because of my recent hair colour (Copper Brown), And I am not born in Italy, its just where my host family are.

18. When I am dining outside, I won't use my hand to eat fried chicken/fish or anything that needs hand to process before eating. I would insist on using fork and spoon to clear off whatever that needs to be cleared. My friend has white-eyed me before because of so.

19. I really want to get in touch with some friends but I am just too shy to take the first initiative. ( Hinthinthinthinthint)

20. I don't like being told what to do because I know myself well enough to do what I should do. Treating me like a bimbo/lulu is a big nono

21. I stress myself out easily, and the way to release it is either to talk about it to friends&family, or just to cry and I'm all good.

22. Sometimes I do dream of getting a good relationship, but I know I'm not ready to be involved in one. And I have not met the right person yet. I fear of the freedom that needs to be sacrificed.

23. I wish I had more courage to do the things that I've dreamt of.

24. I don't look good in pictures taken by others. Coz I smiled awkwardly and tada.

25. That's all for now. I couldn't think of anymore atm HAHAHA

signing off,

Monday, September 22, 2014


Again, yes its me, procrastinating from my assignment at this hour. Actually I just have a few more lines to go and I'm done. But hmmmm

Another hectic week gone, and now it seems like more and more things are pouring down all at the same time. Quiz, proposal, midterms, co-curricular activities yada yada yada. I have to maintain the balance before I get myself burnt out, positive thinking!

And so, last Saturday I had my Freshmen Lunch, it was simple yet sophisticated I would say, getting to listen to Dr Goh giving inspiring speech is one thing I enjoyed most, besides taking loads of selfies. We were trolled by our lead tutor for PSY 111, collaborated with our lecturer, claiming that he was going to fly off to UK on Tuesday, so we had to submit our assignments on Monday instead of Wednesday. But then the lead tutor ended it with " Welcome to the Department of Trolls where we troll our students " , gosh phew, it was scary. At first we were cheering thinking that the assignment's due date was extended, but turned out to be brought forward, and ended being told that it was just a prank they planned on us. See how the roller coaster of emotions go? hahaha

And so here goes the pictures, also including a picture taken during the Freshmen Night!

Freshmen Night where we get to organize it on our own. Hawaii-themed.

A bunch of witches that just managed to squeeze into Hogwards.

Nahh, just kiddin'. It was actually academic robes that we were asked to wear throughout the session.

and here is the final almighty witch that needs to get her final work done and heads to bed now.

Signing off, 

Sunday, September 14, 2014


Just getting a short break from the current assignment that I've been working on since two weeks ago.

I'm going slow and steady cause I don't like rushing everything at the last minute and getting myself so tensed up. But I'm not the one start-fast-finish-fast person, it's still a rush to me as well. What I like to do is to take my time slowly, only type when I've got the inspiration, or when I felt that something important I need to add in to the current paragraph immediately before I forgot it. Not forgetting some procrastination here and there. ooopsss :/ haha

Well this week has been quite a productive week for me. I have completed almost 60% of my current assignment which is about to due in 10 days. And I've joined the Psych Annual Ball committee in the fundraising group, which is a surprise to me as well coz I wasn't really active when I was in Foundation. Probably it was because I had more hectic timetable previously. And now since I only have three days of classes, which leave me no excuse not to join some extra co-curricular activities to keep myself abit busy. I'm not saying that degree life is not busy at all, its just that you know, time management ;)

Recently I've been troubled by some issues which I had deal with personally. I was abit stressed up by that and combined with the stress of having to complete the assignments, I actually broke down just two days ago. No worries, now that I've spoken to few friends who are being really supportive, I'll try to be open-minded over that issue. Sometimes I do feel very lucky for having friends who would listen to me when I was troubled, and providing really good advice and suggestion. These are more than friends to me, they are like my soul mates lolllll.

"True friends are meant to stay with you no matter what happened, they still remain being supportive and will have their trust in you. When they trust you, they will have their 100% trust in you."  
Great quote from the master of crapping - Suetneeeee

Not sure what's wrong with me but I've been quite sentimental and emotional recently. By saying emotional I mean wanting to cry easily. Maybe its my subconscious hmmmm

It's raining heavily atm (11am) since 7am, providing the best excuse to sleep and get away from all the hustle and bustle. And so I'm going to doozzeeee off

Signing off,

Friday, September 5, 2014

Stepping Into September.

Boy oh boy, see how fast time flies. It feels like as though I've just celebrated CNY in February and now you're telling me that is September now? This is so insane!

Yesterday (4/9/14) I had my Freshmen night organized by our own intake, which is fun cause the last time that I actually get to organize something was so long ago. I do love organizing events because I gain personal satisfaction when I see people enjoying the event. Tbh I actually wanted to take Public Relations (PR) elective when I was in Foundation, but unfortunately for some reasons I had to change my directions and took Marketing instead. Of which I did not regret taking Marketing because I realized that I am into Mkt as well upon completing the subject.

Okay back to main topic, my group took in charge of the Light Food section and so we came up with egg mayo sandwiches idea. It was abit kelam kabut at first but I'm glad that we managed to prepare all sandwiches on time and it was all taken before I wanted to grab another one. I did get to know a few new friends, enlarging my social circle. I do not know why but I have phobias towards crowds, I feel insecure because I have problems opening up myself to them. I do envy people who can just approach strangers and chatter away, its like its in their genes. I'm learning and improving myself to overcome this problem, I'm improving.

Assignments are about to due in two weeks time, and another presentation is coming up. I can feel the stress pouring down me, but I think I manage them way better compared to when I was in Foundation. Probably its because of the same old routine that I had to repeat in every sem. Assignments, presentations, mid-terms, and finals. Also recently I'm trying to look out for camps or some charity work to join because I wanna improve myself into a better me. And also get to expose more to the world, which will be useful for me if I were into Clinical Psychologist one day.

Jumping topic into recently watched movies, I think I do have a thing for watching good movies at the cinema. I choose movies which really catch my attention and especially if they receive good review from viewers. I don't like spending my money on budget movies or movie which follows the same genre as others. One reason for why I am so into Hunger Games is because it's a really different movie from the good old bombing, alien invasion, happy ending stories. I would recommend Lucy for Lucy is one of the good movie I've watched recently. The reviews are really bipolar, its either you think that its really nice and interesting, or it would be dumb and boring. Pushing logic science away from the movie, but its actually a fast-going movie, no draggy parts (I don't like draggy movies as well), and it explains everything so well. I would give 4.5/5 for it.

I watched The Signal today with my botji bestie (kononnya) hahaha, I saw the reviews that claimed that it was a good movie, but it was a disappointment to me. Wasn't what I've expected from it, because I was wondering what happened to this and that throughout the whole movie. The ending was even worse compared to Lucy. The whole story just doesn't make sense to me cause its rather confusing. Sorry fans out there but I would give a 2/5 for this. hmm or maybe even 1/5

hmmm photos taken during orientation night will be uploaded soon when the internet line gets better here. I should be getting to my pre-sleep exercise before I hit the sack officially.



Saturday, August 30, 2014

Progressing Into Degree.

And sooo, it's been a week since I've started my BPsych degree life. What I can conclude from my first week experience is that the next three years aint gonna be easy, as it will be a road full of challenges, only to be finished with my sweat, blood, tears and not forgetting all hardwork and determination.

Monday was orientation day, and because I had friends whom I know from Foundation entering into the same intake as I do, I do not have that much phobia of orientation day compared to last year when I had Foundation's one. I am much of a shy person when it comes to approaching strangers, not afraid to admit that. I have no idea how I actually make friends during my high school days, and not a single idea on how I could mingle and got so close with my high-school bunch. People or friends had told me that I looked strict/smart/lansi/fierce when they first saw me, and when they got to know me more, they realized that they were totally wrong, for I can be as crazy as possible when I clicked on the right channel with the right person. It takes time, time, time. #mukatakcukuptebal

Tuesday we had our first class officially, which is Leadership and Life Skills (MPU sub). Personally I think that this sub is quite similar to Study Skills sub I used to had during my sem 1 in Foundation. Not much exposure was given yet from the lecturer, still have to find out more bout this sub. Introduction to Psych was okayy, most of the stuffs were exposed before when we took Psych elective in Foundation. TITAS was bout sejarah, and Psych of Personal and Academic Development is going to be quite challenging this sem, quite a heavy sub as told by the lecturer.

What's amazing about Sem 1 BPsych is that I only have three days of classes in one week, which means I have more holidays than study days. LOL Most of the days I only have to attend one lecture for 3 hours and Voila, that's it. How awesomeeee

So far I kinda like all the lecturers that I have for this sem, as we share the same passion for Psychology, which is great of course. And no, Psychology are not psychics, WE DON'T READ PEOPLE's MIND. So far I am still keeping my options open on which specific field in psych to enter to, as I wanted to explore all different fields before I really sit down and decide on which I will specify in and live with it for the rest of my life. So far I'm into Clinical Psych or Organizational Psych, but I believe in the next three years as I study, I would have a clearer goal and who knows, I might be a Forensic Psychologist hahaha. Keeping options open promise unlimited possibilities.

Challenge accepted for the next three years in BPsych. Cheers!


Saturday, August 23, 2014

Dedicated to my high-school bunch.

I've reached Malaysia on the 3 August, but I think I've been mysterious enough till most of my friends still thought that I'm in Italy. Not until when they saw all my recent Malaysia pics taken when I went to a few gatherings with my high school best mates. Yes, I've been in Malaysia for a few weeks dah, and next week I will starting my first week of degree. Holyyyy

Yeah I guess I've got lots of updates to be done here, not sure if there is anyone still reading my blog cause I blog when I've got the kick to do it, and mostly sharing bout my recent on-going life and also things that are significant to me. HAHAHA. And this is the first time that I switched on my laptop, sit down and blog since I've touched down here in Malaysia, #sorrynotsorry

Somehow yeah I miss being there, in Messina and Italy, but its time for me to face the truth and get back to reality with the fact that I have to keep moving on with my life or else I will be left out. New challenges awaits me next week when I start my degree, and its time to get to know more new friends. I'm gonna make the 3 years of my degree life the best ones I could have. Study hard, play smart. 

Recently I've organized and joined quite a few gatherings, in fact quite a number of them in two weeks before everyone gets busy with their life in UM, USM, UPM, UTAR, Airlangga Indo and me in HELP. These bunch of best friends are my friends for a wayyyy long time, some I have known since standard one and been in the same class with them all the way till Form 5, some have been with me from 1 Diamond till 5 Diamond. We may be very studious and competitive at times, but we are real to each other. We may not have done all the crazy stuffs in our high school times, but we had our own way of having fun. In fact we were all so law-obeying students and study was our one and only priority lolololol. Good and bad thing bout being in the Diamond class hahaha I guess.

We might have conflicts and misunderstandings during our high school period, but I guess that is what that make our bonds stronger. We knew each others weaknesses and strengths, bad and good habits, and probably some of our lil secret that we would not possibly share it with others but only with this bunch. We could tease each other, knowing our limits, get a good laugh and forget bout it, consult each other if we were having any problems, gossip like pasar aunties and still we are strong together. We might not say it out loud on social medias how much we love each other or care for each other, but I know that we all do. #typicalchinese I also paiseh if I were to hug all of you and say I love you all lollll

Being in the same class for more than 7 years or more is not easy, and remaining as best friends is no easy task as well. I hope that in 10 years, 20 years, 50 years time, we could still gather around, sit down, and joke bout our primary and high school memories. In two more weeks everyone will be seperated to different parts of Malaysia, or even out of Malaysia, I sincerely hope that everyone will be successful in pursuing your dreams, and lets all graduate with First Class Honours hahaha. And probably in 20 years time we would calling each other Dr. Ngs, Dr Foo, Dr Yap, Dr Wong and Dr Lim and so on. And so I guess I will be the first one among us to graduate, and I will definitely keep my promise to treat all of you as soon as I got my first job, the last one to graduate be prepared to treat us with the most luxurious meal HAHAHA

Thank you guys for all the memories, and not forgetting for lending me all your homeworks to copy every morning when I reached school. And the way we pass each others homework around to be copied is also something very memorable lollll

And so we had lots of fun yesterday (20/8) going around the whole KL, it was risky and adventurous, from UM to Bangsar Village, from Bangsar Village to Kenanga, from Kenanga to Setapak PV128 and from Setapak back to Rawang town.

Not forgetting also today (22/8) for the movie Lucy and also the chit chat at Mc Cafe, our usual gathering spot. It is our last gathering here in Rawang before the first semester break starts. I'm really glad that I've met all of you in my life, I have no regrets at all. You know that you have known me so well, in fact too well when you have seen the crazy genes in me, listened the dirty yellow jokes I would crack and also getting sarcastic remarks from me.

And let us all put in the effort to make these special bonds of ours last long till the last breath we take.

p/s due to inactive brain activity for the past four and a half months, i hereby apologize if you found any grammar mistakes or irrelevancy of my post lolol.

All the best guys! In every decision that you have decide, you know I will be supporting mentally :P
No need paiseh if you need to seek any advice from me, client's case are private and kept confidential HAHAHAHA you guys shall be my first batch of white mouse for my future training.


Friday, July 18, 2014

Just A Lil' Thought.

I found out about the plane crash news of MH17 this afternoon when I just woke up from my nap. It was so sudden, so shocking. 

At first I was doubting the validity of the news because it wasn't from reliable webpages like CNN or BBC, it was from some famous Facebook page thou. I prayed that it was just some rumours being spread, but within minutes, it was verified by CNN that it was being shot down by a missile. That feeling.

And also within few minutes, the whole Facebook news feed was flooded with few statuses such as:

"RIP MH17"
"How can this happen?!" 
"Let us pray for the safety of the passengers and also the crew on board of #MH17"

I don't understand the main purpose of posting such statuses to be honest. I'm sorry if I offended anybody but this is seriously, something questionable. Now before you continue reading this, I would advice that you keep an open mind, because it might get a lil heaty or offensive for some people. 

In my opinion, if you are really, sincerely praying for their safety, you can just do it, without having to tell the whole world to prove that you are praying. Such actions can be done without posting it on Facebook and getting likes as though it's a trend to post "RIP" whenever something happened. I seriously, do not get it also in the tragedy of MH370. If someone were to pray, they would have done it automatically after they get to know about such incident. Ask yourself, do you need such "kind reminders" from the social network to remind you to pray when something has happened? What would you gain when you post such status? Fame? Money? Likes? Or if everyone posted similar things it could ensure the safety of the people? If that is so, let's just stop all the rescue work and start posting status and liking your friend status on social media.

Also, some people who like to share rumours or news which haven't been verified by officials on social media with the caption "I hope it's not true :'(" Oh come on, you hope its not true, then why? Why would you still share such things to make things worse? Have you considered about the feelings of family member's of the passengers on board who might have just read the things you shared? It's already heartbreaking to know that the safety of their family member who are on board are at stake, and with different patterns of bullshit being shared on social media, it would just make them feel worse.

Another thing which I do not understand as well is the purpose of liking such statuses or news. To me, the function of liking a post is to know that you either agree with the person's opinion, or you like what you have read on social medias. An obvious example if someone posted a status like this:


Within few minutes the status will gain lots of "Like", and I am sure that the person who have posted this status will be constantly checking his/her notifications every 10 seconds to see how many people have liked his/her status. Are you really expressing your condolences to the family of the passengers? Or you just enjoy watching your status being clicked "Liked" by your friends? As for people who have liked such statuses, YOU LIKE WHAT YOU HAVE JUST READ? Are you liking it because you are happy that the person passed away? Or you are jolly because such incident has happened? If it isn't, can someone tell me what is the purpose of liking such status? To prove that you have read the status? Or you are too used to liking every post you saw on Facebook so you liked that as well?

If you are really sorry for these people who are involved in accidents or tragedy, you could have done something more realistic such as reaching them and console them, helping them to pass through this difficult period. Or support them physically and as well mentally so that they know they are not alone in dealing with such matters. Definitely not by posting statuses and watch how many "Likes" you would get in the end of the day. For some who has limited resources, you could offer your prayers and pray for their safety and and also for their family members with a sincere, SINCERE heart.

People, be mindful of what you have posted on social media, and also be mindful what you have clicked "Like" on Facebook. Posting such status won't help the rescue process or the investigating process. If you really want to do something, you do it with all your heart without having to be told by others.

No I am not referring to any person in particular or trying to make people feel bad. I just want to share some of my thoughts on this matter. Blabber session ended.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Being Random.

I typed and I backspaced, retype and backspaced. I felt like blogging, but I'm not really sure of what to write about. I'm a little lost, myself.

Overthinking kills, yep. So I guess that this post will be abit random, this and that, here and there haha.

Having a bad Italian language skill is a major problem here. For example, when you are out for a dinner and everyone around you started to talk, you couldn't mingle around because all you can do is to pick up the words that you understand from their conversation and try to make up the whole convo they are discussing about. And imagine the words that you understand are so limited. The only thing you could do is to flash your teeth and smile brightly. Sometimes I got numbed-face for smiling too long. The same situation goes the same with any other occasion, for example, hanging out with friends who doesn't speak English, feeling scared whenever you had to be alone in the city because poeple don't speak English. 

I am not saying that this is bad or either complaining, but I believe that its the same for other exchange students as well. For those who chose to exchange to a country who doesn't speak their mother tongue or share any languages in common. So lesson of the day is to learn as much language as possible when you are young, it will come in handy soon or later.

Three things I did most when I am here is to eat, sea sunbath and also evening walk. Need not to mention bout eat, how can you not enjoy the taste of pure authentic Italian food when you are in the land of pizza? Here you get to try a lot of pasta cooked in varieties rather than usual pasta cooked in tomato paste in Malaysia. And as for sunbathing, yeah I did it like three of four times in a week. To be honest I am likes tones darker now, but the good thing is that it is in even skin colour. I used to have this two different colour tone on my arm because I didn't use sunblock when I was wearing t-shirt. And it was hideous whenever you have to wear sleeveless shirt. So now with the constant sunbathing, I'm seriously tanned, no more langsat kuning kulit, but its okay I like getting tanned hahaha. Also, everyday 7pm sharp, I would be fast-walking by the sea with my mum and two dogs, sometimes accompanied by family's friends as well. I just came back for today's walk, and I was extra tired today, Idk why.

Last night I was out with my friends in the Centro, they were like my anesthetic and my loves in Messina. We were four in the afternoon, called it Awesome Foursome, but one left and it became Awesome Threesome. Sounds abit wrong but it's funny to see one Chinese girl accompanied by two Italian guys as if they are my personal bodyguard who would protect me from any harm. I really loved my friends here because they took effort to bring me to eat, sightseeing and also to tell me history of the city. Another major reason why I would want to return to the land of pizza is to meet them before they are all occupied with their university, besides visiting my host family again.

It has been raining here in the evening right after the walk. And now the chilly wind is striking, killing me slowly with the chilliness. It's the sea wind. Somehow when it rains it gets really cold as if its winter here in Sicily. No snow, just the rain and the wind. It's good for sleeping thou, so I can snuggle in my blanket and also my niek-niek (fav pillow's name).

Time really flies. It does. In another two week plus I will be back into reality, having to face all the things that are awaiting. So before I hit hard back to reality, I shall make the most of the remaining days that I have here the best days of my life.

Leave no regrets, they say. 


Saturday, July 12, 2014


I used to have a blog under the name called alienetnee.blogspot.com and now its gone forever, just like bad memories. Upon the reopening of my current blog, I've got quite a number of people who used to visit my blog asking me if I had deleted all my previous post because I remained the template but I did a little touch up, this and that, and YES. I deleted all my previous posts.

Some of you might wonder why would I delete all the memories and my growing-up evidence. Some think that I should have remained those posts so that in future when I read back, I would have a nice time reminiscing the good old times I had when I was in high school. Well, to me, yeah at first I hesistated if I would actually wanted to delete all these posts. But after a thought or two, I decided to proceed with the delete decision. The main reason is because all my posts back then are mostly full of hatred or negativity, which isn't a good thing thou. I wouldn't want to read it back myself either, it's too horrible. 

When I was back in secondary school, I misused the internet as a tool to express my anger, sadness and all the negative emotions that I had. Blogging was like a way for me to express myself using words, to show the world how frustrated, sad and angry am I, it was like self-victimizing myself to gain sympathy from others so I would felt that I was actually being cared by my friends. How lifeless coming to think back about it now. Not forgetting Facebook as well, I used to update every single emotions I had, in psychology wise, it's due to the fact that I was feeling empty, lacking of self-confidence, wanting the feeling of being affirmed by my friends by the number of 'Likes' I would get by updating my status.

I did not regret deleting all the posts, in fact I was so much happier that it was a forever-goodbye to those negative post. It will always be a reminder to me to stay optimistic no matter what happened. And also to remind that the internet is not a channel for me to express my negative emotions till it would gain annoyance and influence the emotions of those who read my social media's status or blog.

Cincin (Yam-Seng in Italian) for my new blog with a brand new look.

Now, updating my current state after being in Messina for almost three weeks in Italy. Every single moment I was craving for Hokkien Mee and also Fried Meehoon. My mum said that once I touch down in M'sia I am going to have hokkien mee ohmagodd. But I don't mind other food as well la, as long I got M'sia food I'm happy enough haha.

Piazza Duomo. The main church in the city centre with no filters.


Sunday, July 6, 2014

Boat Trip.

Just came back from a morning walk with my Italian mum, her friend and also with two lovely dogs of ours! I am dead tired now, it was an hour journey back and forth along the beach. But to burn the calories from the whole pizza I ate last night, it was worth it lolol

ps. it was my first time being able to finish one whole pizza on my own for dinner last night. Not sure if its a good thing thou hmmm

Back to topic, so today I wanted to blog about my boat trip experience with my lovely host parents. So far I went on a boat trip twice, it was breathtaking, I mean the sea view and the experience was definitely one to remember for the rest of my life!

The first boat trip I was a bit reluctant because I was told that we were going to sunbath the whole day from 11am till 5pm. The sun was definitely the hottest at that time. For them, they enjoyed being under the sun, and when I told them that we, Malaysians carried umbrellas under the sun, they were like "WTF U GOTTA BE NUTS" Yeah yeah I know, this is the difference in culture that we had haha. Probably if they had sun for whole year long they would have do the same I guess 

I was allowed to bring a friend of mine along with me for the boat trip, so I immediately thought of a friend of mine whom I met in Messina, Bianca, because of her exchange with AFS to Malaysia for one year. She just ended her exchange program so she would have known how exchange students feel or do, and she is one of the ten million Italians who I've met that could actually speak good English! hahaha

Everything was going well. We swam in the sea, had lunch on the boat and also started getting tan under the hot hot HOT sun. When I got back, I realized how red and hot both my shoulders are. Daymmmm. I've must have gotten sunburn. My shoulder hurts, even the pressure of the bra straps killed me.

pps. now my skin have started to peel. It is disgusting, I feel like a snake histtttt

Second boat trip was yesterday from 11am-3.30pm. I told my parents that I didn't want to swim thou because I was scared that I would be half dead when I meet my friends in centro in the evening for dinner. My initial plan was to wear sunglasses, read books and take good pictures of the view. Eventually, I got seasick and I was forced to swim to the shore to feel better. Epic-fail plan lololol

It was my first time getting sea sick. Feeling very uncomfortable and dizzy, I threw up in the boat. I felt very sorry because everyone was so worried about me, but luckily it was just for a while. After puking my breakfast I felt so much better, but it was still a good day thou.

In the evening I had to take the tram to centro to meet up with my friends, first time taking the tram is erm challenging in terms of the uncertainty of how the tram works. Pizza and pub, had cocktails of vodka, coke and lemon. Within seconds I started feeling hot and a lil tipsy haha 

 Last night's pizza, Quattro Giorni, symbolizes four seasons on each side of the pizza

This is the skin peeling session. Horrible.

Boat trip #1

Boat trip #2 No filters needed.

Saturday, July 5, 2014


Ciao! Back to blogging I guess hahah

It's currently 11.35 p.m. in Italy. Yeah, back in Italy after one year plus of my exchange life. Somehow being back here reminds me of how beautiful the world is, and how one should go travel whenever he/she has the ability, be it near or far, everyone needs it.

Currently listening to Jason Mraz's Love Is A Four Letter Word album while updating and getting my blog a new and fresh look. Reading my previous posts made me laugh at myself so hard till I wanna give myself a slap haha. How ridiculous some blogpost could be, and how kid-minded I used to be during the secondary school. But well, I used to tell my mum ''When you realized how childish you used to be when you were young, you should be glad because you have grown since then"

I'm actually not much of a wordy person, not so good in expressing myself in words or action. But still I will constantly improve myself to become a better person than I was compared to yesterday. I'm sorry but readers, keep your expectations low okayy. hahaha

I'll try to get some of my latest updates here, just to share some beauty of my place here in Messina!

One of my favourite places to hang out :)
