Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Yes, I am finally on my sembreak officially!
And yes, I just came back from a short getaway at Ipoh with my uni friends. I was pretty much exhausted, but it was a memorable one. With the good authentic local food in my tummy, I am more than delighted.

Today is gonna be another random opinion-expression session from me, it’s probably gonna be abit tad long. Sorry if I bore you readers :O

Recently I’ve been reading this one motivational book from a Taiwan author. He’s a pretty good author I would say, because of his way of expressing and writing its really short, simple and straight to the point.
And upon reading one of the chapters in this book I borrowed from the National Library, I had to agree with one of the main points he was trying to address to people out there nowadays.

People are too used to say these two things
I have no time to do it
I don’t know how to do it
These two phrases pretty much annoy me at times. It sounds like as though you are finding excuses to not do something that you’re supposed to do, or you are trying to be ignorant and not taking the initiative to seek answers on your own.

Let’s start with the first phrase up there
I have no time to do it
I have always believed in good time management, like you are the master of your whole life, your routine, and your time. If you really want to do something, you will always squeeze some time even though you are really busy to do it. For example, you feel hungry in the midst of doing something, so no matter how busy you are, you will still manage to get some crackers or something to fill your tummy for the time being. This particular phrase, to me is a phrase that you should avoid saying for the rest of your life. I’m not sure about others, but to me, if someone said this to me, I’ll give them major eye rolls (virtual way lol). It’s either you have really bad time management, or you are just trying to brush things off to avoid having to bear the responsibility. If I can find time to do it, why can’t you do the same? It’s your attitude whether you really want to do it or not.

Moving on to the second phrase
I do not know how to do it
Now this is a bit tricky to explain because when someone approach me and tell me that they have no idea how to do it even though they’ve tried searching for solutions themselves, then it’s no biggies to me. I am more than willing to help out because these people took initiative to seek for solutions; they have put in effort to do something. It’s just that maybe they are abit off track in looking for answers, but still their effort is demonstrated. However what I am trying to say here is those who did not even bother to try and just tell you that “I dunno how to do”. I have major big eye rolls towards this all the time.
Yes there is something called Google, and I have always Google stuffs to search for things I wanna know. For example how to take the public transport from A to B, or how to cook something and etc. You can really get all the answers you want from Google used wisely, not that I am trying to promote Google or whatsoever, what I am trying to say is that, telling someone that you do not know how to do something is pretty much ridiculous. Because the answers are all out there, it’s just you left and whether you wanna be proactive and look out for them, or you sit back there relaxed and wait for others to spoon feed you by just telling them “I don’t know how to do it”. However there are still answers that couldn’t be retrieved via Google, and that is totally fine. On occasions like Lit Review I really couldn’t get the answers that I really wanted even though I’ve tried Googling countless times so…….

The two phrases might sound extremely familiar to you, you might say it yourself, or you might find people around you saying these. I do realize I say the second phrase at times where I am extremely lost on something, and it’s something you need to start reflecting and refrain yourself from saying so in the future for the reasons:

1. You find excuses for yourself to not do something so you feel good about it, but in fact it is not helping you to grow anywhere sense.

2. It’s really demotivating for you yourself and others upon hearing that. It is not going to take you anywhere but going backwards of your life. You keep telling yourself that you can’t do it, and so you stopped trying to look for solutions, which further leads to you really can’t accomplish it. Which is also a term called self-fulfulling prophecy. You are convinced that you are trapped because you set up boundaries for yourself which is unbreakable unless you wreck it down yourself with the correct actions and thoughts.
And as for others, you will be affecting other’s spirit of doing things when you are in a team because you demonstrated no effort in doing things. And this is highly poisonous to the whole team because people influence each others easily without even noticing.

There goes my thought of the day. And I realize I should get practicing my guitar now. Guitar exam is really near now. GTG

Signing off,


Monday, December 1, 2014

Some Confessions of being a Psych Major

My Y1S1 is really coming to an end, on this coming Thursday. That is when I will be sitting for my last paper of the semester. And I’m done with the very first semester of my degree.

You know, I was like “Wtf, there goes my first semester.” In a blink of an eye, it just ended like that. And then I realized that I really need to enjoy my remaining semesters, join more activities so that I don’t end up graduating with nothing to talk about on my Uni life. Even though I’ve involved myself in certain activities this sem, somehow I felt like I haven’t full stretched my abilities to the fullest. More committee work hunting should be done I guess.

I am indeed really busy for the past few weeks, and upon handling my very last assignment for the semester on 24/10/14, I felt immediate relieve. Now, just fingers cross that I will pass the assignment so I don’t have to retake it next semester. Last week was the most stressful week, with that assignment accompanied by two heavy reading load subjects’ finals. And now I’m procrastinating from revising for my last paper that is going to be on this Thurs, but I think this procrastination is worth it lololol.

Recently I came across one pic on FB.  And it was something like
 “Being a psychology major, you find yourself very hard to be angry at someone, because you know the causes behind their behaviors” 
Not the exact quote, but from what I remember it’s something like that. And I felt into deep thought. Yes, indeed. Psychology is about studying mental processes and human behaviors. And for every single human behavior, there has to be a cause to why they had chosen to react in such a way. And what makes psych different from other majors is that, we know the reason why. And we couldn’t really blame the person from behaving in such a way because it is what their growing up environment, parenting they received, and influence from their peers etc. that has molded them in such a way. We have to accept individual differences, because no one will have the exact same thinking as you, nor you will find someone who will behave the same as you.

And I do find myself using this to rationalize my angry thoughts at time. For example, when a kid comes to you and says that you’re fat and ugly. As a psych major, the first thing that crosses my mind is, “poor child, what an environment they are growing up from.” Instead of focusing to be angry on the child, you think of what could have cause the child to behave in such a way. And you forgive for what they have done. And btw, the example given is not a real life event thou, it’s really an example.

I guess this is the good and the bad of being a psych major? Hahaha on one side you understand the reason why to a certain behavior portrayed by another person, which makes the society generalizes us to be “Psychics a.k.a Mind Reader”, just because they haven’t thought of one level deeper. Probably it’s because they are not exposed to such knowledge yet so I don’t really blame society for having such stigma about Psychology graduates. On the bad side, your angry rights are to be cut down to perhaps zero level? Because you couldn’t really find a reason to be angry, you automatically rationalize them with the analyses of their behavior.

However there’s one thing that I still couldn’t find myself adapting into even though I’m a Psych major. I tend to be oversensitive on other’s body language when they are talking to me. Because I know what are the possible body language others will portray when they are interested in engaging in the conversation with you. Or what is the possible body language that signals that they are not interested in talking with you. 

At times when I’ve spotted body language of others signaling that they don’t really wanna talk to me, they just talk to me for the sake of talking, I take it personally at times. I’ve been self-reflecting on myself thou because of this, does this happens because I am an A-hole to others? Or simply they prefer talking to someone who is more interesting? Probably I should consider closing my eyes when I am in a convo so I don’t have to observe anything lololol. Or probably the knowledge that I have gotten from all the books on body-language is misleading and only applies for a small fraction of people in the society?

Still, you know what. Screw it lol. I couldn’t get everyone to like me and engage in a convo that they are not willing to, and that’s a fact. And soon I have come to this realization that “it’s okay, cause I know who are the ones who really wanna talk to me because they want to, and those for an insincere convo.” Which makes me treasure the sincere ones, and focus on building more in-depth friendship with them.  People come and go in your life, factdat ;)

How wonderful would it be if I am able to produce the same amount of words that I’ve typed on this blogpost within 20 minutes for my assignments.
Hmm, enough food for thought I guess? Gotta start fighting for the final paper again. ciauzzzzz


P/s. Its finally December! *throw confettis*